



Hi! My name is Vance Winstead. I am a software engineer at Green Hills Software working on computer vision algorithms and data visualization tools. In the past, I have worked a number of full-stack applications including a website to help a local nonprofit manage volunteers and a mobile app to help spotlight minority owned businesses. Feel free to explore my work below.


Feb 2023 - Present

Green Hills Software

Green Hills Software

Built a computer vision system from the ground up, from the hardware mount for the cameras to the algorithms used to interpret the data. Developed networking and authentication features for a secure laptop product

Aug 2020 - Dec 2022



Created multiple web applications for local nonprofits. Led multiple onboarding programs, teaching new members the MERN stack (MongoDB, React, Express, & Node) over 10 weeks via lectures and a personal project

Jun 2021 - Sep 2021



Developed a company-wide intranet and successfully launched the beta version of the site. Developed both frontend and backend features including drag-and-drop editing, a content management system API, and graph database queries




Implemented a KDTree in Java, with efficient implementations of nearest neighbor and bounded rectangle queries. Created a test suite using JUnit for basic unit testing. Completed as part of a Coursera algorithms course

Minority Market

Minority Market

Developed a mobile app to help promote engagement with local minority owned businesses. Developed as a senior project with sponsorship from AWS on a team of five using React Native and AWS Amplify

Hack4Impact Bootcamp

Hack4Impact Bootcamp

Ran a ten week long workshop to teach students the foundations of full stack web development using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS). Created 10 lectures, complete with slide decks, live demos, and Kahoot quizzes, as well as a quarter-long project where students would build their own recipe website

City Farm SLO Volunteer Signup

City Farm SLO Volunteer Signup

Led development on a team of 7 of a webpage used by a local nonprofit to register new volunteers. Led standup meetings, translated requirements and designs to weekly tickets, and developed CI/CD for the project

Hospice of SLO Volunteer Platform

Hospice of SLO Volunteer Platform

Developed a responsive web app on a team of nine for a local hospice. Created an interactive calendar where users could add, modify, and delete events. Created global state management on the application using React Redux

C Shell

C Shell

Individually developed a C program that mimics the Unix Shell. In addition to performing basic tasks, the shell was also able to perform piping and input & output redirection using subproccesses and IPC. Created an automated end-to-end testing framework using bash

Match 3

Match 3

The final project for the second computer science course I ever took. Developed a match 3 game in Java using Swing and AWT. The project incorporated object oriented programming, custom exceptions, and extensive documentation.